w Others Insects Control

৳ 500.00৳ 5,000.00



Furniture Treatment
Furniture beetle, powder-post beetle and other species (commonly known as woodworm) attack wooden furniture and decoration pieces, wooden floors, panels, etc. The presence of the yellowish powdery substance is the sign of powder-post beetle infestation. Sometimes there may be a characteristic sound from the woodworm infested furniture.

Very effective and safe chemical treatment is now available for treating furniture and other valuable wooden materials. The treatment leaves no stain or stench.

Bees and Wasp Control

Wasps are a nuisance around garbage dumpsters, decks, pool areas, picnic areas and generally any place people like to be. Honey bees are normally housed in manufactured hives and managed by beekeepers. In some instances, wild colonies of honey bees may nest in hollow trees or in wall voids.

To eradicate a bee or wasp nest, the location of the nest will be identified first. The direct treatment method will be followed. Nests in the ground may be treated by drenching. Nest eradication operation will be done in the evening when the colony is quiet and resting. At that time they have difficulty in flying.

Pesticides effective against wasp and bees will be poured in using a compressed air sprayer. The nozzle will be removed from the sprayer to let the product flow from the sprayer much like a faucet. When the activity of the bees or wasps stop, the nest will be covered with polyethylene bags and removed. To ensure that no living wasp or bee escapes, insecticide applications will be made one more time to the nests inside the bag. The wasp or bee nest is disposed of off to a garbage dump.

Precautionary Measures: During the wasp or bee nest removal operation, the occupants should vacate the house and may return one hour after the operation. Honey, if there is any, should never be consumed.

Lizard, Spider, Ants Control

we also offer an effective treatment for red and black ants, lizards and spiders. 
It is advisable to get the General Disinfestations treatment done at regular intervals as crawling insects can always reinfest from the surroundings. The treatment is carried out by spraying insecticide in every crack and crevice of the premises to reach all the hidden parts so as to kill all the existing insects.

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  1. sujon

    Eco friendly

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